It seemed that we`d have come back to Spain empty-handed, but all the team’s efforts were rewarded ath the limit when the final classification of Race 2 gave us the third place on AM class. We continue on the top.

The Circuito de Estoril received us for the 4th round of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica. The last two races before summer holidays. It was the second and last event at Portugal before next two rounds on Spain and we went there with just one car, Jorge Ramirez’s Porsche #88. The Spanish driver was as never before an outsider.

Sorrounded by only Portuguese drivers, crews and public, the unique Spanish driver came to Estoril with no knowledge of the circuit. Jorge is a classic driver who improves on the track and learns its corners lap by lap. As he confesed to us, he’s not a “one lap driver”, he likes to be on the action and climb positions on races, and that’s something we can just verify after following him on this championship, his first one official challenge and where he has been fighting for the podium in all the races, despite all kind of incidences.

This time the sessions were divided on two Race Days with Free Practice, Qualifying and Race each day. Saturday was first contact with the track and when he got used to it Jorge began enjoying this famous portuguese circuit. P7 was his AM position for each chrono session, moving between P16 and P12 on overall positions. By those sessions we could have imagined it was hard to be on the top, but not for our outsider who loves race action.

On RACE 1 he started with rythm but an early spinning around caused by yet cold tryres made him lose positions and his race strategy suddenly changed: fight for positions risking track limits. Not bad after all: he got a P4 on the AM class and P11 overall. He lost the podium but he knew he got the pace to get it.

RACE 2 was not bad but there came the mechanical problems. In the middle of a beautiful fight for P1 on the AM class Jorge noticed some gear box damage that made him lost speed. He could continue but lost the chances for the AM victory. At the end of the race he was P7 overall and P4 on his class, but after some race reviews by Race Direction the AM driver Leandro Martins was disqualified by technical infringements. That moved Jorge Ramírez #88 to P6 overall and P3 on the AM class, which means a Podium for our driver! We congratulate Jorge for his efforts and for his fight. He never gives up on track and this is his reward. Finally the outsider got the podium.

This is a great result not just for the driver, but for the whole team. They have worked hard this weekend and this trophy is also for the mechanics and engineers who take care of the driver and bring him to the checkered flag.

Here you have the final results of the weekend. We’ll be back racing soon, this time on our country, for the 5th round of the championship at Jerez on 22nd September. Stay tuned.

We’re leaving home for the Round 4 of the PSCI, and we’ll have just one man on track.

This time we face the fourth round of the season just with one car and driver: Jorge Ramírez will be our unique driver. Chris Hillaby won’t participate in this and we’ll miss him. He’ll be back but in the meantime we have the car #88 ready for a single fight. Now we race at Portugal, Estoril waits us for the next challenge..

Picture by Action Media / PSCI

We have reached the mid season. Now we go back to Portugal after the first round in Portimao. This time a well known circuit: Estoril. Now we are used to be the unique spanish team of the championship, and it will be tough to be sorrounded by the portuguese fans. Chris Hillaby won’t be at Estoril and just that puts more pressure to our spanish driver Jorge Ramírez. But after analyzing his progress in this championship we’re sure that Jorge will be at a great level and we don’t doubt about his strong performance.

For this second half of the championship the driver born in Madrid comes as second of the AM drivers, with 93 points, far from the leader Ricardo Costa who scores132 pts. We are so proud of our driver, how he’s adapted to the car and the level of the races and this is his reward. We’d like him to be again at the podium and why not, it would be fantastic to see him on the top representing our country.

Our team celebrates this weekend our early changes: we have just started at our new building, a headquarter at Tres Cantos, European City of Sport 2023, at the north of Madrid. There we’re developing a new building prepared for the team activities on an excellent enviroment.

Now we’re proud of represent this beautiful and welcoming city and we’ll bring its crest in our car to recognise its charming reception given to our team.

Here you have the schedule for the weekend. As always stay tuned for our updates, don’t forget to follow us on our social media: Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. We’ll upload contents during the weekend and we hope to celebrate with you all our triumphs.

Despite the hot temperatures at Navarra our team did again a great job at Navarra and our drivers are getting day by day more consistent.

It was a hot weekend at the Circuit of Navarra during the third round of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica. Temperatures on the midday reached 32º but the track was over the 61º. In that hell we saw fantastic performances by our dirvers and just some issues move us away from the podium on the AM Class.

Picture by Action Media / PSCI

Both drivers Chris Hillaby on the #81 GD car and Jorge Ramírez on the #88 AM car passed the practice sessions on the same overall positions, trying to dominate the complicate turns of the spanish circuit, were it was too easy to superate the track limits or go straight on one of those close turns. Action was under coverage of the Racing Weekend, the spanish racing format promoted by the Spanish Federation to attract the public to the circuits.

Our English man Chris Hillaby came to Navarra as leader of his championship’s class GD (Gentleman Driver) with 88 points, 6 over his next opponent Frank Barrett. During the practice and Qualifying sessions he was moving between P9 and P10 overall and P1-P2 on his class (GD: Gentleman Driver). For the second race he was penalized and had to start on the last position of the grid. Anyway he did an amazing performance, specially on the second race of sunday, when we reached the highest temperatures and it was difficult to climb from the last position. But the british driver was concentrated and he got the triumph by finishing P7 overall and P1 on the GD class on both races. An amazing weekend for our driver.

Jorge Ramírez, our Spanish man and unique spanish driver of the championship was third at he points before Navarra, 15 points under the AM leader Ian Barrett. He came motivated afer being at the podium on the last two races and confirming that he has a good level to fight with the AM dirvers. On the practices sessions and the first Qualy he got the same P7 overall and P3 on the AMs. Unfortunatly despite his nice driving he got some issues that stopped him to be again at the podium: on race 1 he lost a wheel on the first lap and was retired and Race 2 was an incredible spectacle by our driver: Just at the beginning he was hit on the back and that made him spin around. After that incident, which had no further consequences, he went like hell recovering positions and risking track limits penalties that finally were applied and he lost any chance to fight for the podium, but he was fighting until the end on what was his best performance, finishing P4 on a second race that could have been his first P1.

Once again we’re proud of the entire team: Mechanics, Engineers and our Drivers. All of them were on fire and our team continues forward on this championship waving the spanish flag. This were the final results:

STAY TUNED, we’ll upload a highlighst video on our Yotube Channel on the following days

We return this week on track at the third round of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica at Navarra, with our drivers confident after their last performances

This week the championship continues on spanish territory, and that should be an extra motivation for our team and drivers, being the unique spanish team on the entry list. Once again we’ll be under the Racing Weekend structure, which is the perfect way to attract the public to the cricuit, offering a good combination of races.

If you are new or you just missed the action of the last rounds we suggest you to visit our Youtube Channel, where you’ll find our videos dedicated to Portimao and a special extended one of Motorland, second round and the first one in Spain, where our drivers showed a great performance and they got trophies on both races. You can also take a look to our Instagram’s Highlights Stories, where we have a good compilation of our best moments on the circuit.

Our English man Chris Hillaby comes to Navarra as leader of his championship’s class GD (Gentleman Driver) with 88 points, 6 over his next opponent Frank Barrett. J.
Jorge Ramírez, our Spanish mand and unique spanish driver of the championship is getting higher and he’s third at he points, 15 points under the AM leader Ian Barrett.

We hope that being again at home and sorrounded by as much public as in Motorland will help theteam to do a good performance and we’ll do our best to take some more trophies.
Here you have the weekend schedule:

Races 1 and 2 will be live stream on Racing Weekend’s Youtube Channel (Spanish) and also on the official PSCI Youtube Channel (Portughese)

STAY TUNED, don’t miss our updates

Last weekend we completed Round 2 of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica up into the podium on both races. As the unique spanish team we wanted to make a good performance, and thanks to our fantastic team full of professionals we came home with 4 trophies

Our drivers did an amazing job during each session, improving their stints and discussing with their engineers about their track performances. There’s a lot of work behind what we see on track: hours and hours working on the cars and the data analysis. The results come when all the team work on the same direction and we’re very proud of this team and this weekend at Motorland.

The PSCI has visited our country for the first time on this second round of the championship. We felt some strange on our own home being the unique spanish team of this competition, but we were focused on what we came for: improve our performance and be at the podium. And that’s what we did.

Both drivers Jorge Ramírez and Chris Hillaby were motivated for improve their own performances and from the beginning there was a continuous conversation between them and their mechanics and engineers, analyzing the data, adjusting the set-up and testing on the free sessions to find the best performance at the qualifying.

Track limits were there menacing Jorge’s best laps, and he got a black flag on the second qualifying of the weekend after previous announcements on the Chronolife from the race direction. But despite those problems and some off tracks also by Chris Hillaby, both drivers showed an increasing perfomance during the weekend, arriving to the last race on sunday entrusted on their possibilities. These were their results for each session:

After this hard work weekend and reviewing the races we can just repeat how proud we are of our team: Mechanics, Engineers, Data Analysts and of course our drivers. Amazing job, looking forward to the next one.

STAY TUNED, soon we’ll upload a video of this Motorland weekend Highlights. Don’t miss it.

As always we’ll update all our news on our social media so just follow our profiles on Twitter and Instagram.

The wait is over and we’re back on track for the second round of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica which takes place in Motorland within the Racing Weekend format.

Maybe you’d like to review some details of the first round of the PSCI in Portimao. If you go to our Instagram profile you’ll find our PORTIMAO section with the main images of our performance or you can visit our Youtube channel to view our video dedicated to the first two races of the championship.

Now we’ll race in Spain for the round 2 at the Motorland circuit in Aragón, where we hope to have the advantage of racing at home as the only one Spanish team of this competition. The races will take place within the Racing Weekend, a Spanish racing format promoted by the RFEdA (Spanish Autosport Federation) which tries to bring together different autosport disciplines such as F4 or Spanish Endurance Championship. Besides the races the people who will visit the circuit will find other activities dedicated to the public.

Our team comes for this racing event motivated after what we saw on the first weekend at Portimao, and now we’re at a track that our drivers know better. During the whole weekend you can follow our progress at the Live Timing, and take a look to the Racing Weekend YT channel because they’ll probably will stream some races including the PSCI. We’ll update the info at our social media so stay tuned to our TW and IG

As you know them well, these are our drivers:

The cars are ready for racing, take a look at our schedule:

As always we’ll update all our news on our social media so just follow our profiles on Twitter and Instagram.

For this race we’ll also have Live Streaming, we’ll comunicate the access across our social media.


Good feelings at the first round d of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica during a thrilling weekend at thee Autodromo do Algarve at Portimao

We we’re announcing it on our social media the last weeks and finally it arrived: the new
Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica has started with its first two races at the Autodromo do Algarve, on a mediatic event as support for the FIA WEC 6H of Portimao. As we unveiled some days ago, for this new Porsche Cup challenge we have assembled a pair of drivers to participate on different classes of the competition:

With different backgrounds both drivers have joined our team with energy and after this first racing weekend they have shown good performances.

Due to an impressive crash during practise sessions the competition was on all the media, after driver Alex Areia’s car lost its braked and flew into grandstands. Fortunately there was only car damage and there was no public on that moment, otherwise there would have been a huge tragedy. But beyond this incident, the action was on track and our team did a really good performance.

Chris Hillaby began the first Practice session with strong performance by finishing P8 overall and P1 of his class GD. At the FP2 he was faster and climbed into the P5 overall, again as P1 of its class. When the first qualifying session came the driver was focused on keeping its pace and be as fast as the previous sessions, but contenders where also at high level and he finally classified P11 overall and P2 on GD.

Car #81 Chris Hillaby – class GD

Jorge Ramírez was also at the top, finishing P11 on the FP1 overall and P3 of the AM class. On the FP2 he lost some pace and dropped into P12 overall and P4 of the AM. At the first Qualifying session he almost repeated results by finishing P11 overall and P4 on AM.

Car #88 Jorge Ramírez – class AM

RACE 1 wasn’t as expected for both RGB drivers: Hillaby was hit on the back and lost some positions, while Jorge Ramírez had two spins which made him lose some times, finishing Hillaby on P17 overall and P4 of the GD class, while Jorge Ramírez was P11 and P4 at AM.

RACE 2 was the reward for a hard team work weekend, and we’re very proud of our team’s engineers, mechanics and drivers: Chris Hillaby made this time a perfect race and got to the highest level of the podium on his class, finishing P11 overall and P1 st of the Gentleman Driver’s class. Jorge Ramírez also improve his marks by finishing P9 overall in front of his team mate and P4 of the AMs.

As the unique Spanish team of the competition RGB Racing Team came to this first round with ambition and hype and we went back home satisfied with our results, convinced of returning stronger on the next Spanish round at Motorland (Aragón). Stay tuned on our social media, you’ll find updates on our Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts.
Soon we’ll be BACK ON TRACK

We happily announce our participation on the next coming PORSCHE SPRINT CHALLENGE IBERICA with 2 drivers line-up

The wait is over, our team has begun the year by giving support in races such as the 24h Series or the Ferrari Challenge. We also have done track days with our clients and drivers and our engineers and mechanics have been testing with other teams for the next coming challenges. Now is the moment for the team to participate on a competition: The Porsche Sprint Challenge Iberica.

In less than 2 weeks we’ll start the competition in Portimão on a special weekend as support to the FIA World Endurance Championship second race next 16 April.  The Autodromo do Algarve will be the first circuit of this Iberian championship and will be followed by Motorland in Spain on may. Here you have the racing calendar:

P21 Motorsport is the promoter of this new championship that evolves from the GT3 Cup celebrated in 2021 and 2022. This will be the race format:

To participate in this challenge we have just confirmed our 2 cars line-up:

We’re looking forward to start racing with them and we hope that they’ll be on top.

We’ll update news and results on our social media, so this is the right moment to follow us on Twiter, Instagram and Youtube. We’ll be back in 9 DAYS.


We’re still closing our line up but we’re excited to announce our full participation in the next new PORSCHE SPRINT CHALLENGE IBERICA

With the label of official competition recognised by Porsche Motorsport the PSCI starts in 2023 with 6 rounds at the Iberian Peninsula.

P21 Motorsport is the promoter of this new championship that evolves from the GT3 Cup celebrated in 2021 and 2022. It adds 1 round to the calendar and some changes in race format:

Our team will fight for this championship and we’re now defining our line-up, confirming that Dani García is our first AM driver. We are now testing with Dani to prepare for the season and the weekend 25-26 March we’ll be at Portimao for a track day.


This is our last race on the Arabian Emirates. Last week our crew at the car #929 did a great performance finishing on the podium of the 992 AM class. Now it’s time to fight for the gold.

We’re still thinking on last #24HDubai and the fantastic result reached by our team with a P2 on the 992AM Class, but there’s no time yet to celebrate because we face this weekend our last Arabian race of the 2H Series. After Kuwait and Dubai, we race at the #6HAbuDHabi.

Drivers, mechanics and engineers are enthusiastic with last weekend’s results and we believe that we could achieve a better result this weekend, giving it all to get the gold in our class. Once more our team will give engineering and mechanic support to Qatar Motorsport & Motorcycle Federation and team HRT Performance with the Porsche GT3 Cup #929.

Don’t miss the #929

Here you have the schedule for the weekend

To follow he race click this link: LIVE STREAMING

We’re ready to the fight